
Acupuncture is the art of treating the points body that reflect its meridians or channels of energy flow. Twelve major channels flow through the body and emerge at different points. These points can be treated with needles, pressure, light, electrical stimulation, tapping, or any number of other means including magnets, seeds, and movement. This includes the art of Cupping, Moxibustion, and ... Read More

Acupuncture is the art of treating the points body that reflect its meridians or channels of energy flow. Twelve major channels flow through the body and emerge at different points. These points can be treated with needles, pressure, light, electrical stimulation, tapping, or any number of other means including magnets, seeds, and movement. This includes the art of Cupping, Moxibustion, and Coining (Gua Sha). Points have been found to activate various neurotransmitters and endorphins in the body. Thirty-five percent of acupoints have been found to be motor points which re-establish the connection between muscles and the brain. This makes acupuncture ideal for pain relief, trauma, and the recovery from chronic disorders. In essence, acupuncture helps the body to heal itself.

David Scott balances the body in three ways. First, acupuncture and herbs to balance out energy. Secondly, he uses a Chinese form of massage called tui na to physically correct trauma. He has trained in both the rolling and the bone setting schools of tui na with a focus on posture. Thirdly, he treats with Qi Qong forms like Tai Chi to balance out all aspects of health.

David graduated from the Egoscue University as an Egoscue Affiliate. It literally takes minutes to assess the posture and produce a custom set of Egoscue exercises for correcting posture. Trauma creates compensations from the damage done to ligaments, muscles, and bones. In a few minutes a patient is able to have a customer set of exercises to improve their posture.

It is easier to recover by correcting the posture as part of the healing process. Without doing any correction to our posture, we are strengthening our compensations as we attempt to heal from trauma.

Testing with Acugraph produces a quick view of the balance between the 12 meridians or channels of the body. This accurate graph lets the patient see their progress. The test only takes 2 minutes.

David uses other traditional forms of oriental medicine including Ear Acupuncture, Cupping, Gua Sha, and Qi Qong in his practice. He completed a Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Masters of Science graduate degree from the Pacific College of Health and Science in San Diego, California and attends a Pacific Symposium of Oriental Medicine nearly every year. He is a senior student of a martial artist, Mike Patterson, in Las Vegas.

Check out his personal website where he discusses movement within. Check out the Wellness Within Clinic website for business information on the clinic. Check out the regenerative healthcare website for regenerative healthcare.

David Scott balances the body in three ways. First, acupuncture and herbs to balance out energy.... Read More

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